Source code for pytransit.stat_tools

import math
import numpy
import scipy.stats

[docs]def sample_trunc_norm_post(data, S, mu0, s20, k0, nu0): n = len(data) s2 = numpy.var(data,ddof=1) ybar = numpy.mean(data) kn = k0+n nun = nu0+n mun = (k0*mu0 + n*ybar)/float(kn) s2n = (1.0/nun) * (nu0*s20 + (n-1)*s2 + (k0*n/float(kn))*numpy.power(ybar-mu0,2)) s2_post = 1.0/scipy.stats.gamma.rvs(nun/2.0, scale=2.0/(s2n*nun), size=S) # Truncated Normal since counts can't be negative min_mu = 0 max_mu = 1000000 trunc_a = (min_mu-mun)/numpy.sqrt(s2_post/float(kn)) trunc_b = (max_mu-mun)/numpy.sqrt(s2_post/float(kn)) mu_post = scipy.stats.truncnorm.rvs(a=trunc_a, b=trunc_b, loc=mun, scale=numpy.sqrt(s2_post/float(kn)), size=S) return (mu_post, s2_post)
[docs]def FWER_Bayes(X): ii = numpy.argsort(numpy.argsort(X)) P_NULL = numpy.sort(X) W = 1 - P_NULL N = len(P_NULL) P_ALT = numpy.zeros(N) for i in range(N): P_ALT[i] = 1.0 -[:i+1]) return P_ALT[ii]
[docs]def bFDR(X): N = len(X) ii = numpy.argsort(numpy.argsort(X)) P_NULL = numpy.sort(X) P_ALT = numpy.zeros(N) for i in range(N): P_ALT[i] = numpy.mean(P_NULL[:i+1]) return P_ALT[ii]
[docs]def HDI_from_MCMC(posterior_samples, credible_mass=0.95): # Credit to 'user72564' # # Computes highest density interval from a sample of representative values, # estimated as the shortest credible interval # Takes Arguments posterior_samples (samples from posterior) and credible mass (normally .95) sorted_points = sorted(posterior_samples) ciIdxInc = numpy.ceil(credible_mass * len(sorted_points)).astype('int') nCIs = len(sorted_points) - ciIdxInc ciWidth = [0]*nCIs for i in range(0, nCIs): ciWidth[i] = sorted_points[i + ciIdxInc] - sorted_points[i] HDImin = sorted_points[ciWidth.index(min(ciWidth))] HDImax = sorted_points[ciWidth.index(min(ciWidth))+ciIdxInc] return(HDImin, HDImax)
[docs]def transformToRange(X, new_min, new_max, old_min=None, old_max=None): if old_min == None: old_min = min(X) if old_max == None: old_max = max(X) old_range = old_max - old_min new_range = new_max - new_min return [float(x - old_min) / old_range * new_range + new_min for x in X]
[docs]def fact(n): if n == 0: return (1) else: return reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, range(1,n+1))
[docs]def comb1(n,k): prod = 1 for i in range(1,k+1): prod = prod * (n - (k-i))/float(i) return(prod)
[docs]def comb(n, k): if k < 0 or k > n: return 0 if k > n - k: # take advantage of symmetry k = n - k c = 1 for i in range(k): c = c * (n - (k - (i+1))) c = c // (i+1) return c
[docs]def norm(x, mu,sigma): """Normal distribution""" sigma = float(sigma) return(1/(sigma*(math.sqrt(2*math.pi))) * math.exp( -0.5 * math.pow( (x-mu)/sigma,2)))
[docs]def binom(k,n,p): """Binomial distribution. Uses Normal approximation for large 'n' """ if n >= 100: return(norm(k, n*p, math.sqrt(n*p*(1-p)) ) ) else: return(comb(n,k) * math.pow(p, k) * math.pow(1-p, n-k))
[docs]def binom_cdf(k,n,p): """CDF of the binomial distribution""" return(sum([binom(i,n,p) for i in range(0,k+1)]))
[docs]def binom_test(k,n,p, type="two-sided"): """Does a binomial test given success, trials and probability.""" if type == "less": return(binom_cdf(k,n,p)) elif type == "greater": return(1-binom_cdf(k-1,n,p)) else: if p == 0: return(1) #return(k == 0) elif p == 1: return(1) #return(k == n) else: relErr = 1 + 1e-7 d = binom(k,n,p) m = n * p if k == m: return(1) elif (k < m): ri = range(int(math.ceil(m)), n+1) y = sum([1 for j in ri if binom(j,n,p) <= d*relErr]) return(binom_cdf(k,n,p) + (1-binom_cdf(int(n-y),n,p))) else: ri = range(0, int(math.floor(m))) y = sum([1 for j in ri if binom(j,n,p) <= d*relErr]) return(binom_cdf(y-1,n,p) + (1-binom_cdf(k-1,n,p)))
############################## # Bernoulli Diff Distribution
[docs]def dberndiff(d, peq, p01, p10): N = numpy.size(d) if N == 0: return 0.0 if N == 1: if type(d) == type(()): d = d[0] if d == 0: return peq else: if d == -1: return p01 if d == 1: return p10 return 0.0 # else: d = numpy.array(d) result = numpy.zeros(N) result[d == -1] = p01 result[d == 0] = peq result[d == 1] = p10 return result
[docs]def qberndiff(d, peq, p01, p10): return numpy.sum([ dberndiff(x, peq, p01, p10) for x in range(-1, d + 1) ])
############################# # Binomial Diff Distribution
[docs]def dbinomdiff(d, n, P): S = numpy.array(my_perm(d, n)) return numpy.sum(multinomial(S, P))
[docs]def qbinomdiff(d, n, peq, p01, p10): return numpy.sum([ dbinomdiff(x, n, peq, p01, p10) for x in range(-n, d + 1) ])
[docs]def my_perm(d, n): S = [] if d == 0: for i in range(n + 1): r = n - i if isEven(r): S.append((int(r / 2.0), i, int(r / 2.0))) # if d > 0: for i in range(d, n + 1): r = n - i if i == d: S.append((0, n - d, d)) elif i > d: r = n - (i + (i - d)) if 0 <= r <= n: S.append((i - d, r, i)) # if d < 0: for i in range(abs(d), n + 1): r = n - i if i == abs(d): S.append((-d, n + d, 0)) elif i > d: r = n - (i + (i + d)) if 0 <= r <= n: S.append((i, r, i + d)) # return S
[docs]def multinomial(K, P): N = numpy.sum(K, 1) if K.shape == P.shape: return tricoeff(N, K) *[ numpy.power(P[i], K[i]) for i in range(len(K)) ], 1) else: return tricoeff(N, K) *[ numpy.power(P, K[i]) for i in range(len(K)) ], 1)
[docs]def log_fac(n): return numpy.sum(numpy.log(numpy.arange(2, n + 1)))
[docs]def tricoeff(N, S): try: LOG_FAC except NameError: LOG_FAC = [] for i in range(numpy.max(N) + 1): LOG_FAC.append(log_fac(i)) # LOG_FAC = numpy.array(LOG_FAC) # return numpy.exp(LOG_FAC[N] - (LOG_FAC[S[:, 0]] + LOG_FAC[S[:, 1]] + LOG_FAC[S[:, 2]]))
[docs]def isEven(x): return x % 2 == 0
[docs]def regress(X,Y): """Performs linear regression given two vectors, X, Y.""" N = len(X) xbar = numpy.average(X) ybar = numpy.average(Y) xybar = numpy.average([X[i]*Y[i] for i in range(N)]) x2bar = numpy.average([X[i]*X[i] for i in range(N)]) B = (xybar - xbar*ybar)/(x2bar - xbar*xbar) A0 = ybar - B*xbar yfit = [ A0 + B *X[i] for i in range(N)] yres = [Y[i] - (A0 + B *X[i]) for i in range(N)] var = sum([math.pow(yres[i],2) for i in range(N) ])/(N-2) std = math.sqrt(var) return(B, A0, std)
[docs]def boxcoxtransform(x, lambdax): """ Performs a box-cox transformation to data vector X. WARNING: elements of X should be all positive! Fixed: '>' has changed to '<' """ if x <= 0: raise ArgumentError, "Nonpositive value(s) in X vector" if abs(lambdax) < 1.0e-5: return(math.log(x)) else: return((x**lambdax - 1.0)/lambdax)
#return math.log(x) if abs(lambdax) < 1.0e-5 else (x**lambdax - 1.0)/lambdax #
[docs]def loglik(X, lambdax): """ Computes the log-likelihood function for a transformed vector Xtransform. """ n = len(X) Xtrans = [boxcoxtransform(x, lambdax) for x in X] meanX = sum(Xtrans) / float(n) S2 = (lambdax - 1.0) * sum([math.log(x) for x in X]) S = sum([(x-meanX) **2 for x in Xtrans]) S1= (-n/2.0)*math.log(S/n) return S2+S1
[docs]def boxcoxTable(X, minlambda, maxlambda, dellambda): """ Returns a table of (loglik function, lambda) pairs for the data. """ # Create a table (lambda, loglik) out = [] vallambda = minlambda while vallambda <= maxlambda+1.0e-5: llik = loglik(X, vallambda) out.append((llik, vallambda)) vallambda += dellambda return out
[docs]def phi_coefficient(X,Y): """Calculates the phi-coefficient for two bool arrays""" N = len(X) assert len(X) == len(Y), "Length of arrays must be equal" x1y1 = sum([int(X[j]) == int(Y[j]) == 1 for j in range(N)]) x1y0 = sum([int(X[j]) == 1 and int(Y[j]) == 0 for j in range(N)]) x0y1 = sum([int(X[j]) == 0 and int(Y[j]) == 1 for j in range(N)]) x0y0 = sum([int(X[j]) == int(Y[j]) == 0 for j in range(N)]) x1 = x1y1 + x1y0 x0 = x0y1 + x0y0 y1 = x1y1 + x0y1 y0 = x1y0 + x0y0 phi_coeff = (x1y1*x0y0 - x1y0*x0y1)/math.sqrt(x1*x0*y1*y0) return phi_coeff
[docs]def BH_fdr_correction(X): """Adjusts p-values using the Benjamini Hochberg procedure""" n = len(X) qvalues = numpy.zeros(n) pvalues = numpy.array(X) pvalues.sort() pvalues = pvalues[::-1] for i in xrange(n): rank = n - i qvalues[i] = n/float(rank) * pvalues[i] for i in xrange(0, n-1): if qvalues[i] < qvalues[i+1]: qvalues[i+1] = qvalues[i] p2qval = dict([(p,q) for (p,q) in zip(pvalues,qvalues)]) return numpy.array([p2qval[p] for p in X])
[docs]def bayesian_ess_thresholds(Z_raw, ALPHA=0.05): """Returns Essentiality Thresholds using a BH-like procedure""" Z = numpy.sort(Z_raw)[::-1] W = 1 - Z N = len(Z) ess_threshold = 1.00 INDEX = range(3, N+1) count = 0 for i in INDEX: count +=1 wi = 1 - Z[i-1] ai_n = (ALPHA*i)/N mean_wi = numpy.average(W[0:i-2]) delta_w = wi - mean_wi #if count < 30: print i, wi, ai_n, delta_w if delta_w > ai_n: ess_threshold = Z[i-1] #print "i", i break noness_threshold = 0.00 count = 0 INDEX = range(0, N+1) INDEX.sort(reverse=True) for i in INDEX: wi = Z[N-i+1] ai_n = (ALPHA*i)/N mean_wi = numpy.average(Z[N-i+1:]) delta_w = Z[N-i+1] - mean_wi count +=1 #print count #if count < 20: # print i, wi, ai_n, mean_wi, delta_w, N-i+1, N-1, W[N-i-1], W[i-1] if ai_n > delta_w: # print i, wi, ai_n, mean_wi, delta_w, N-i+1, N-1, W[N-i-1], W[i-1] break noness_threshold = Z[N-i] return(ess_threshold, noness_threshold)
[docs]def tricube(X): #TODO: Write docstring result = numpy.zeros(len(X)) ii = numpy.logical_and(X >= -1, X <= 1) result[ii] = numpy.power(1 - numpy.power(numpy.abs(X[ii]), 3), 3) return result
[docs]def loess(X, Y, h=10000): #TODO: Write docstring smoothed = numpy.zeros(len(Y)) for i,x in enumerate(X): W = tricube((X-x)/float(h)) sW = numpy.sum(W) wsX = numpy.sum(W*X) wsY = numpy.sum(W*Y) wsXY = numpy.sum(W*X*Y) sXX = numpy.sum(X*X) B = (sW * wsXY - wsX * wsY)/(sW * sXX - numpy.power(wsX,2)) A = (wsY - B*wsX) / sW smoothed[i] = B*x + A return smoothed
[docs]def loess_correction(X, Y, h=10000, window=100): #TODO: Write docstring Y = numpy.array(Y) size = len(X)/window + 1 x_w = numpy.zeros(size) y_w = numpy.zeros(size) for i in range(len(X)/window + 1): x_w[i] = window*i y_w[i] = sum(Y[window*i:window*(i+1)]) ysmooth = loess(x_w, y_w, h) mline = numpy.mean(y_w) y_w * (ysmooth/mline) normalized_Y = numpy.zeros(len(Y)) for i in range(size): normalized_Y[window*i:window*(i+1)] = Y[window*i:window*(i+1)] * (ysmooth[i]/mline) return normalized_Y
[docs]def F_mean_diff_flat(A, B): return numpy.mean(B) - numpy.mean(A)
[docs]def F_sum_diff_flat(A, B): return numpy.sum(B) - numpy.sum(A)
[docs]def F_shuffle_flat(X): return numpy.random.permutation(X)
[docs]def resampling(data1, data2, S=10000, testFunc=F_mean_diff_flat, permFunc=F_shuffle_flat, adaptive=False): """Does a permutation test on two sets of data. Performs the resampling / permutation test given two sets of data using a function defining the test statistic and a function defining how to permute the data. Args: data1: List or numpy array with the first set of observations. data2: List or numpy array with the second set of observations. S: Number of permutation tests (or samples) to obtain. testFunc: Function defining the desired test statistic. Should accept two lists as arguments. Default is difference in means between the observations. permFunc: Function defining the way to permute the data. Should accept one argument, the combined set of data. Default is random shuffle. adaptive: Cuts-off resampling early depending on significance. Returns: Tuple with described values - test_obs -- Test statistic of observation. - mean1 -- Arithmetic mean of first set of data. - mean2 -- Arithmetic mean of second set of data. - log2FC -- Normalized log2FC the means. - pval_ltail -- Lower tail p-value. - pval_utail -- Upper tail p-value. - pval_2tail -- Two-tailed p-value. - test_sample -- List of samples of the test statistic. :Example: >>> import pytransit.stat_tools as stat_tools >>> import numpy >>> X = numpy.random.random(100) >>> Y = numpy.random.random(100) >>> (test_obs, mean1, mean2, log2fc, pval_ltail, pval_utail, pval_2tail, test_sample) = stat_tools.resampling(X,Y) >>> pval_2tail 0.2167 >>> test_sample[:3] [0.076213992904990535, -0.0052513291091412784, -0.0038425140184765172] """ count_ltail = 0 count_utail = 0 count_2tail = 0 test_list = [] n1 = len(data1) n2 = len(data2) mean1 = 0 if n1 > 0: mean1 = numpy.mean(data1) mean2 = 0 if n2 > 0: mean2 = numpy.mean(data2) test_obs = testFunc(data1, data2) try: # Only adjust log2FC if one of the means is zero if mean1 > 0 and mean2 > 0: log2FC = math.log((mean2)/(mean1),2) else: log2FC = math.log((mean2+1.0)/(mean1+1.0),2) except: log2FC = 0.0 perm = numpy.zeros(n1+n2) perm[:n1] = data1 perm[n1:] = data2 s_performed = 0 for s in range(S): if len(perm) >0: perm = permFunc(perm) test_sample = testFunc(perm[:n1], perm[n1:]) else: test_sample = 0 test_list.append(test_sample) if test_sample <= test_obs: count_ltail+=1 if test_sample >= test_obs: count_utail+=1 if abs(test_sample) >= abs(test_obs): count_2tail+=1 s_performed+=1 if adaptive: if s_performed == round(S*0.01) or s_performed == round(S*0.1) or s_performed == round(S*1): if count_2tail >= round(S*0.01*0.10): break pval_ltail = count_ltail/float(s_performed) pval_utail = count_utail/float(s_performed) pval_2tail = count_2tail/float(s_performed) return (test_obs, mean1, mean2, log2FC, pval_ltail, pval_utail, pval_2tail, test_list)
[docs]def cumulative_average(new_x, n, prev_avg): return ((new_x + (n*prev_avg))/(n+1.0), n+1)
#TEST-CASES if __name__ == "__main__": sdata = """ .15 .09 .18 .10 .05 .12 .08 .05 .08 .10 .07 .02 .01 .10 .10 .10 .02 .10 .01 .40 .10 .05 .03 .05 .15 .10 .15 .09 .08 .18 .10 .20 .11 .30 .02 .20 .20 .30 .30 .40 .30 .05 """ X = [float(x) for x in sdata.split()] out = boxcoxTable(X, -2, 2, 0.10) out.sort() print "Log likelihood function:" for (llik, lambdax) in out: print llik, lambdax print "best lambda = ", out[-1][1] print "with loglik function value = ",out[-1][0] print "" print "" print "#########################################" print "############ BINOM TEST #################" print "#########################################" print "DEFAULT" n = 15 p = 0.5 for i in range(0,16): print i, binom(i,n,p), binom_cdf(i,n,p) print "" print "LESS" for i in range(0,16): print i, binom_test(i,n,p,"less") print "" print "GREATER" for i in range(0,16): print i, binom_test(i,n,p,"greater") print "" print "TWO-SIDED" for i in range(0,16): print i, binom_test(i,n,p,"two-sided") print "" print "" print "#########################################" print "############ RESAMPLING #################" print "#########################################" data1 = scipy.stats.norm.rvs(100,10, size=100) data2 = scipy.stats.norm.rvs(105,10, size=100) (test_obs, mean1, mean2, log2FC, pval_ltail, pval_utail, pval_2tail) = resampling(data1, data2, S=10000) print "Data1:", data1 print "Data2:", data2 print "Results:", (test_obs, mean1, mean2, log2FC, pval_ltail, pval_utail, pval_2tail)