Source code for pytransit.analysis.gumbel

import sys

    import wx
    WX_VERSION = int(wx.version()[0])
    hasWx = True

except Exception as e:
    hasWx = False
    WX_VERSION = 0

if hasWx:
    import wx.xrc
    from wx.lib.buttons import GenBitmapTextButton
    from pubsub import pub
    import wx.adv

import os
import time
import math
import random
import numpy
import scipy.stats
import datetime
import warnings

import base
import pytransit.transit_tools as transit_tools
import pytransit.tnseq_tools as tnseq_tools
import pytransit.norm_tools as norm_tools
import pytransit.stat_tools as stat_tools

############# GUI ELEMENTS ##################

short_name = "gumbel"
long_name = "Gumbel"
short_desc = "Bayesian analysis of essentiality based on long gaps."
long_desc = """Bayesian methods of analyzing longest runs of non-insertions in a row. Estimates the parameters using the MCMC sampling, and estimates posterior probabilities of essentiality. 

Reference: DeJesus et al. (2013; Bioinformatics)"""
transposons = ["himar1"]
columns = ["Orf","Name","Desc","k","n","r","s","zbar", "Call"]

############# Analysis Method ##############

[docs]class GumbelAnalysis(base.TransitAnalysis): def __init__(self): base.TransitAnalysis.__init__(self, short_name, long_name, short_desc, long_desc, transposons, GumbelMethod, GumbelGUI, [GumbelFile])
################## FILE ###################
[docs]class GumbelFile(base.TransitFile): def __init__(self): base.TransitFile.__init__(self, "#Gumbel", columns)
[docs] def getHeader(self, path): ess=0; unc=0; non=0; short=0 for line in open(path): if line.startswith("#"): continue tmp = line.strip().split("\t") if tmp[-1] == "E": ess+=1 if tmp[-1] == "U": unc+=1 if tmp[-1] == "NE": non+=1 if tmp[-1] == "S": short+=1 text = """Results: Essentials: %s Uncertain: %s Non-Essential: %s Short: %s """ % (ess, unc, non, short) return text
################# GUI ##################
[docs]class GumbelGUI(base.AnalysisGUI):
[docs] def definePanel(self, wxobj): self.wxobj = wxobj gumbelPanel = wx.Panel( self.wxobj.optionsWindow, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ) gumbelSection = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) gumbelLabel = wx.StaticText( gumbelPanel, wx.ID_ANY, u"Gumbel Options", wx.DefaultPosition, (130,20)) gumbelLabel.SetFont( wx.Font( 10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD) ) gumbelSection.Add( gumbelLabel, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 ) mainSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) # Samples (gumbelSampleLabel, self.wxobj.gumbelSampleText, sampleSizer) = self.defineTextBox(gumbelPanel, u"Samples:", u"10000", "These are the number of samples to take when estimating the parameters. More samples give more accurate estimates of the parameters at the cost of computation time.") mainSizer1.Add(sampleSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Burn-In (gumbelBurninLabel, self.wxobj.gumbelBurninText, burninSizer) = self.defineTextBox(gumbelPanel, u"Burn-In:", u"500", "These are the number of samples to take before beginning to estimate the parameters. Allows the MCMC sampler to 'converge' to the true parameter space. More samples give more accurate estimates of the parameters at the cost of computation time.") mainSizer1.Add(burninSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Trim (gumbelTrimLabel, self.wxobj.gumbelTrimText, trimSizer) = self.defineTextBox(gumbelPanel, u"Trim:", u"1", "The MCMC sample will keep every i-th sample. A value of '1' will take all samples. Larger values will reduces autocorrelation at the cost of a substantial cost in computation time.") mainSizer1.Add(trimSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Min Read gumbelReadChoiceChoices = [ u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5" ] (gumbelReadLabel, self.wxobj.gumbelReadChoice, readSizer) = self.defineChoiceBox(gumbelPanel, u"Minimum Read:", gumbelReadChoiceChoices, "This is the minimum number of reads to consider a 'true' insertion. Value of 1 will consider all insertions. Larger values allow the method to ignore spurious insertions which might interrupt a run of non-insertions. Noisy datasets or those with many replicates can beneffit from increasing this.") mainSizer1.Add(readSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Replicates gumbelRepChoiceChoices = [ u"Sum", u"Mean" ] (gumbelRepLabel, self.wxobj.gumbelRepChoice, repSizer) = self.defineChoiceBox(gumbelPanel, u"Replicates:", gumbelRepChoiceChoices, "Determines how to handle replicates, and their read-counts. When using many replicates, summing read-counts may make spurious counts appear to be significantly large and interrupt a run of non-insertions.") mainSizer1.Add(repSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) gumbelSection.Add( mainSizer1, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5 ) gumbelButton = wx.Button( gumbelPanel, wx.ID_ANY, u"Run Gumbel", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0 ) gumbelSection.Add( gumbelButton, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 ) gumbelPanel.SetSizer( gumbelSection ) gumbelPanel.Layout() gumbelSection.Fit( gumbelPanel ) #Connect events gumbelButton.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.wxobj.RunMethod ) self.panel = gumbelPanel
########## METHOD ####################### EXACT = 20 ALPHA = 1 BETA = 1
[docs]class GumbelMethod(base.SingleConditionMethod): """ Gumbel """ def __init__(self, ctrldata, annotation_path, output_file, samples=10000, burnin=500, trim=1, minread=1, replicates="Sum", normalization=None, LOESS=False, ignoreCodon=True, NTerminus=0.0, CTerminus=0.0, wxobj=None): base.SingleConditionMethod.__init__(self, short_name, long_name, short_desc, long_desc, ctrldata, annotation_path, output_file, replicates=replicates, normalization=normalization, LOESS=LOESS, NTerminus=NTerminus, CTerminus=CTerminus, wxobj=wxobj) self.samples = samples self.burnin = burnin self.trim = trim self.minread = minread self.cache_nn = {} self.cache_expruns = {}
[docs] @classmethod def fromGUI(self, wxobj): """ """ #Get Annotation file annotationPath = wxobj.annotation if not transit_tools.validate_annotation(annotationPath): return None #Get selected files ctrldata = wxobj.ctrlSelected() if not transit_tools.validate_control_datasets(ctrldata): return None #Validate transposon types if not transit_tools.validate_transposons_used(ctrldata, transposons): return None #Read the parameters from the wxPython widgets try: minread = int(wxobj.gumbelReadChoice.GetString(wxobj.gumbelReadChoice.GetCurrentSelection())) except: warnings.warn("Warning: problem reading minimum read parameter. Assuming a value of '1'") minread = 1 try: samples = int(wxobj.gumbelSampleText.GetValue()) except: warnings.warn("Warning: problem reading samples parameter. Assuming a value of '10000'") samples = 10000 try: burnin = int(wxobj.gumbelBurninText.GetValue()) except: warnings.warn("Warning: problem reading burnin parameter. Assuming a value of '500'") burnin = 500 try: trim = int(wxobj.gumbelTrimText.GetValue()) except: warnings.warn("Warning: problem reading trim parameter. Assuming a value of '1'") trim = 1 try: replicates = wxobj.gumbelRepChoice.GetString(wxobj.gumbelRepChoice.GetCurrentSelection()) except: warnings.warn("Warning: problem reading replicates parameter. Assuming a value of 'Mean'") replicates = "Mean" ignoreCodon = True try: NTerminus = float(wxobj.globalNTerminusText.GetValue()) except: warnings.warn("Warning: problem reading NTerminus parameter. Assuming a value of '0.00'") NTerminus = 0.0 try: CTerminus = float(wxobj.globalCTerminusText.GetValue()) except: warnings.warn("Warning: problem reading CTerminus parameter. Assuming a value of '0.00'") CTerminus = 0.0 normalization = None LOESS = False #Get output path name = transit_tools.basename(ctrldata[0]) defaultFileName = "gumbel_%s_s%d_b%d_t%d.dat" % (".".join(name.split(".")[:-1]), samples, burnin, trim) defaultDir = os.getcwd() output_path = wxobj.SaveFile(defaultDir, defaultFileName) if not output_path: return None output_file = open(output_path, "w") return self(ctrldata, annotationPath, output_file, samples, burnin, trim, minread, replicates, normalization, LOESS, ignoreCodon, NTerminus, CTerminus, wxobj)
[docs] @classmethod def fromargs(self,rawargs): (args, kwargs) = transit_tools.cleanargs(rawargs) ctrldata = args[0].split(",") annotationPath = args[1] outpath = args[2] output_file = open(outpath, "w") samples = int(kwargs.get("s", 10000)) burnin = int(kwargs.get("b", 500)) trim = int(kwargs.get("t", 1)) minread = int(kwargs.get("m", 1)) replicates = kwargs.get("r", "Sum") normalization = None LOESS = False ignoreCodon = True NTerminus = float(kwargs.get("iN", 0.0)) CTerminus = float(kwargs.get("iC", 0.0)) return self(ctrldata, annotationPath, output_file, samples, burnin, trim, minread, replicates, normalization, LOESS, ignoreCodon, NTerminus, CTerminus)
[docs] def Run(self): self.status_message("Starting Gumbel Method") #Set Default parameter values w1 = 0.15 w0 = 1.0 - w1 ALPHA = 1 BETA = 1 ALPHA_w = 600 BETA_w = 3400 mu_c = 0 acctot = 0.0 phi_start = 0.3 sigma_c = 0.01 start_time = time.time() self.progress_range(self.samples+self.burnin) #Get orf data self.transit_message("Reading Annotation") #Validate data has empty sites #(status, genome) = transit_tools.validate_wig_format(self.ctrldata, wxobj=self.wxobj) #if status <2: tn_used = "himar1" #else: tn_used = "tn5" self.transit_message("Getting Data") (data, position) = transit_tools.get_validated_data(self.ctrldata, wxobj=self.wxobj) (K,N) = data.shape if self.normalization and self.normalization != "nonorm": self.transit_message("Normalizing using: %s" % self.normalization) (data, factors) = norm_tools.normalize_data(data, self.normalization, self.ctrldata, self.annotation_path) G = tnseq_tools.Genes(self.ctrldata, self.annotation_path, minread=self.minread, reps=self.replicates, ignoreCodon=self.ignoreCodon, nterm=self.NTerminus, cterm=self.CTerminus, data=data, position=position) ii_good = numpy.array([self.good_orf(g) for g in G]) # Gets index of the genes that can be analyzed K = G.local_insertions()[ii_good] N = G.local_sites()[ii_good] R = G.local_runs()[ii_good] S = G.local_gap_span()[ii_good] T = G.local_gene_span()[ii_good] self.transit_message("Doing Regression") mu_s, temp, sigma_s = stat_tools.regress(R, S) # Linear regression to estimate mu_s, sigma_s for span data mu_r, temp, sigma_r = stat_tools.regress(S, R) # Linear regression to estimate mu_r, sigma_r for run data N_GENES = len(G) N_GOOD = sum(ii_good) self.transit_message("Setting Initial Class") Z_sample = numpy.zeros((N_GOOD, self.samples)) Z = [self.classify(g.n, g.r, 0.5) for g in G if self.good_orf(g)] Z_sample[:,0] = Z N_ESS = numpy.sum(Z_sample[:,0] == 1) phi_sample = numpy.zeros(self.samples) #[] phi_sample[0] = phi_start phi_old = phi_start phi_new = 0.00 SIG = numpy.array([self.sigmoid(g.s, g.t) * scipy.stats.norm.pdf(g.r, mu_r*g.s, sigma_r) for g in G if self.good_orf(g)]) # idxG,idxN = -1,0 # for i in range(len(G)): # if G[i].name=="glf": idxG = i # if ii_good[i]==True: idxN += 1 # could do sum(ii_good[:idxG]) i = 1; count = 0; while i < self.samples: try: # PHI acc = 1.0 phi_new = phi_old + random.gauss(mu_c, sigma_c) i0 = Z_sample[:,i-1] == 0 if phi_new > 1 or phi_new <= 0 or (self.F_non(phi_new, N[i0], R[i0]) - self.F_non(phi_old, N[i0], R[i0])) < math.log(random.uniform(0,1)): phi_new = phi_old acc = 0.0 flag = 0 # Z Z = self.sample_Z(phi_new, w1, N, R, S, T, mu_s, sigma_s, SIG) # w1 N_ESS = sum(Z == 1) w1 = scipy.stats.beta.rvs(N_ESS + ALPHA_w, N_GOOD - N_ESS + BETA_w) count +=1 acctot+=acc if (count > self.burnin) and (count % self.trim == 0): phi_sample[i] = phi_new Z_sample[:,i] = Z i+=1 except ValueError as e: self.transit_message("Error: %s" % e) self.transit_message("This is likely to have been caused by poor data (e.g. too sparse).") self.transit_message("If the density of the dataset is too low, the Gumbel method will not work.") self.transit_message("Quitting.") return # print i,phi_new,w1,G[idxG].name,N[idxN],R[idxN],Z[idxN] phi_old = phi_new #Update progress text = "Running Gumbel Method... %5.1f%%" % (100.0*(count+1)/(self.samples+self.burnin)) self.progress_update(text, count) ZBAR = numpy.apply_along_axis(numpy.mean, 1, Z_sample) (ess_t, non_t) = stat_tools.bayesian_ess_thresholds(ZBAR) #Orf k n r s zbar self.output.write("#Gumbel\n") if self.wxobj: members = sorted([attr for attr in dir(self) if not callable(getattr(self,attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")]) memberstr = "" for m in members: memberstr += "%s = %s, " % (m, getattr(self, m)) self.output.write("#GUI with: ctrldata=%s, annotation=%s, output=%s, samples=%s, minread=%s, trim=%s\n" % (",".join(self.ctrldata).encode('utf-8'), self.annotation_path.encode('utf-8'),'utf-8'), self.samples, self.minread, self.trim)) else: self.output.write("#Console: python %s\n" % " ".join(sys.argv)) self.output.write("#Data: %s\n" % (",".join(self.ctrldata).encode('utf-8'))) self.output.write("#Annotation path: %s\n" % self.annotation_path.encode('utf-8')) self.output.write("#FDR Corrected thresholds: %f, %f\n" % (ess_t, non_t)) self.output.write("#MH Acceptance-Rate:\t%2.2f%%\n" % (100.0*acctot/count)) self.output.write("#Total Iterations Performed:\t%d\n" % count) self.output.write("#Sample Size:\t%d\n" % i) self.output.write("#phi estimate:\t%f\n" % numpy.average(phi_sample)) self.output.write("#Time: %s\n" % (time.time() - start_time)) self.output.write("#%s\n" % "\t".join(columns)) i = 0 data = [] for g in G: if not self.good_orf(g): zbar = -1.0 else: zbar = ZBAR[i] i+=1 if zbar > ess_t: call = "E" elif non_t <= zbar <= ess_t: call = "U" elif 0 <= zbar < non_t: call = "NE" else: call = "S" data.append("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\t%s\n" % (g.orf,, g.desc, g.k, g.n, g.r, g.s, zbar, call)) data.sort() for line in data: self.output.write(line) self.output.close() self.transit_message("") # Printing empty line to flush stdout self.transit_message("Adding File: %s" % ( self.add_file(filetype="Gumbel") self.finish() self.transit_message("Finished Gumbel Method")
[docs] @classmethod def usage_string(self): return """python %s gumbel <comma-separated .wig files> <annotation .prot_table or GFF3> <output file> [Optional Arguments] Optional Arguments: -s <integer> := Number of samples. Default: -s 10000 -b <integer> := Number of Burn-in samples. Default -b 500 -m <integer> := Smallest read-count to consider. Default: -m 1 -t <integer> := Trims all but every t-th value. Default: -t 1 -r <string> := How to handle replicates. Sum or Mean. Default: -r Sum -iN <float> := Ignore TAs occuring at given fraction of the N terminus. Default: -iN 0.0 -iC <float> := Ignore TAs occuring at given fraction of the C terminus. Default: -iC 0.0 """ % (sys.argv[0])
[docs] def good_orf(self, gene): return (gene.n >= 3 and gene.t >= 150)
[docs] def ExpectedRuns_cached(self,n,q): if (n,q) not in self.cache_expruns: self.cache_expruns[(n,q)] = tnseq_tools.ExpectedRuns(n,q) return self.cache_expruns[(n,q)]
[docs] def classify(self, n,r,p): if n == 0: return 0 q = 1-p; B = 1/math.log(1/p); u = math.log(n*q,1/p) BetaGamma = B*tnseq_tools.getGamma() if n<EXACT: # estimate more accurately based on expected run len, using exact calc for small genes exprun = self.ExpectedRuns_cached(n,p) u = exprun-BetaGamma # u is mu of Gumbel (mean=mu+gamma*beta); matching of moments pval = 1 - scipy.exp(scipy.stats.gumbel_r.logcdf(r,u,B)) if pval < 0.05: return(1) else: return(0)
[docs] def F_non(self, p, N, R): # pass in P_nonins as p q = 1.0 - p; BetaGamma = tnseq_tools.getGamma()/math.log(1/p) total = numpy.log(scipy.stats.beta.pdf(p,ALPHA,BETA)) mu = numpy.log(N*q) / numpy.log(1/p) for i in range(len(N)): # estimate more accurately based on expected run len, using exact calc for small genes if N[i]<EXACT: mu[i] = self.ExpectedRuns_cached(int(N[i]),p)-BetaGamma sigma = 1/math.log(1/p); #for i in range(len(N)): print '\t'.join([str(x) for x in N[i],R[i],self.ExpectedRuns_cached(int(N[i]),q),mu[i],scipy.stats.gumbel_r.pdf(R[i], mu[i], sigma)]) total += numpy.sum(scipy.stats.gumbel_r.logpdf(R, mu, sigma)) return(total)
[docs] def sample_Z(self, p, w1, N, R, S, T, mu_s, sigma_s, SIG): G = len(N) q = 1.0-p BetaGamma = tnseq_tools.getGamma()/math.log(1/p) mu = numpy.log(N*q) / numpy.log(1/p) for i in range(len(N)): # estimate more accurately based on expected run len, using exact calc for small genes if N[i]<EXACT: mu[i] = self.ExpectedRuns_cached(int(N[i]),p)-BetaGamma sigma = 1.0/math.log(1.0/p); h0 = ((scipy.exp(scipy.stats.gumbel_r.logpdf(R,mu,sigma))) * scipy.stats.norm.pdf(S, mu_s*R, sigma_s) * (1-w1)) h1 = SIG * w1 h1 += 1e-10; h0 += 1e-10 # to prevent div-by-zero; if neither class is probable, p(z1) should be ~0.5 p_z1 = h1/(h0+h1) return scipy.stats.binom.rvs(1, p_z1, size=G)
[docs] def sigmoid(self,d,n): Kn = 0.1 MEAN_DOMAIN_SPAN = 300 if d == 0: return(0.00) f = 1./(1.+math.exp(Kn*(MEAN_DOMAIN_SPAN-d))) #if n in self.cache_nn: return f/self.cache_nn[n] tot = 0 N = int(n+1) for i in range(1,N): tot += 1.0/(1.0+math.exp(Kn*(MEAN_DOMAIN_SPAN-i))) self.cache_nn[n] = tot return f/tot
if __name__ == "__main__": (args, kwargs) = transit_tools.cleanargs(sys.argv) G = GumbelMethod.fromargs(sys.argv[1:]) G.console_message("Printing the member variables:") G.print_members() print "" print "Running:" G.Run()