Source code for pytransit.analysis.resampling

import sys

    import wx
    WX_VERSION = int(wx.version()[0])
    hasWx = True

except Exception as e:
    hasWx = False
    WX_VERSION = 0

if hasWx:
    import wx.xrc
    from wx.lib.buttons import GenBitmapTextButton
    from pubsub import pub
    import wx.adv

import os
import time
import ntpath
import math
import random
import numpy
import scipy.stats
import datetime

import base
import pytransit
import pytransit.transit_tools as transit_tools
import pytransit.tnseq_tools as tnseq_tools
import pytransit.norm_tools as norm_tools
import pytransit.stat_tools as stat_tools

############# GUI ELEMENTS ##################

short_name = "resampling"
long_name = "Resampling (Permutation test)"
short_desc = "Resampling test of conditional essentiality between two conditions"
long_desc = """Method for determining conditional essentiality based on resampling (i.e. permutation test). Identifies significant changes in mean read-counts for each gene after normalization."""

transposons = ["himar1", "tn5"]
columns = ["Orf","Name","Desc","Sites","Mean Ctrl","Mean Exp","log2FC", "Sum Ctrl", "Sum Exp", "Delta Mean","p-value","Adj. p-value"]

[docs]class ResamplingAnalysis(base.TransitAnalysis): def __init__(self): base.TransitAnalysis.__init__(self, short_name, long_name, short_desc, long_desc, transposons, ResamplingMethod, ResamplingGUI, [ResamplingFile])
############# FILE ##################
[docs]class ResamplingFile(base.TransitFile): def __init__(self): base.TransitFile.__init__(self, "#Resampling", columns)
[docs] def getHeader(self, path): DE=0; poslogfc=0; neglogfc=0; for line in open(path): if line.startswith("#"): continue tmp = line.strip().split("\t") if float(tmp[-1]) < 0.05: DE +=1 if float(tmp[-3]) > 0: poslogfc+=1 else: neglogfc+=1 text = """Results: Conditionally - Essentials: %s Less Essential in Experimental datasets: %s More Essential in Experimental datasets: %s """ % (DE, poslogfc, neglogfc) return text
[docs] def getMenus(self): menus = [] menus.append(("Display in Track View", self.displayInTrackView)) menus.append(("Display Histogram", self.displayHistogram)) return menus
[docs] def displayHistogram(self, displayFrame, event): gene = displayFrame.grid.GetCellValue(displayFrame.row, 0) filepath = os.path.join(ntpath.dirname(displayFrame.path), transit_tools.fetch_name(displayFrame.path)) filename = os.path.join(filepath, gene+".png") if os.path.exists(filename): imgWindow = pytransit.fileDisplay.ImgFrame(None, filename) imgWindow.Show() else: transit_tools.ShowError(MSG="Error Displaying File. Histogram image not found. Make sure results were obtained with the histogram option turned on.") print "Error Displaying File. Histogram image does not exist."
############# GUI ##################
[docs]class ResamplingGUI(base.AnalysisGUI):
[docs] def definePanel(self, wxobj): self.wxobj = wxobj resamplingPanel = wx.Panel( self.wxobj.optionsWindow, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ) resamplingSizer = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) resamplingLabel = wx.StaticText( resamplingPanel, wx.ID_ANY, u"resampling Options", wx.DefaultPosition, (160,-1), 0 ) resamplingLabel.SetFont( wx.Font( 10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD) ) resamplingSizer.Add( resamplingLabel, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 ) resamplingTopSizer = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) resamplingTopSizer2 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) resamplingLabelSizer = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) mainSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) #(, , Sizer) = self.defineChoiceBox(resamplingPanel, u"", u"", "") #mainSizer1.Add(Sizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Samples (resamplingSampleLabel, self.wxobj.resamplingSampleText, sampleSizer) = self.defineTextBox(resamplingPanel, u"Samples:", u"10000", "Number of samples to take when estimating the resampling histogram. More samples give more accurate estimates of the p-values at the cost of computation time.") mainSizer1.Add(sampleSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Pseudocount (resamplingPseudocountLabel, self.wxobj.resamplingPseudocountText, pseudoSizer) = self.defineTextBox(resamplingPanel, u"Pseudocount:", u"0.0", "Adds pseudo-counts to the each data-point. Useful to dampen the effects of small counts which may lead to deceptively high log-FC.") mainSizer1.Add(pseudoSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Norm resamplingNormChoiceChoices = [ u"TTR", u"nzmean", u"totreads", u'zinfnb', u'quantile', u"betageom", u"nonorm" ] (resamplingNormLabel, self.wxobj.resamplingNormChoice, normSizer) = self.defineChoiceBox(resamplingPanel, u"Normalization: ", resamplingNormChoiceChoices, "Choice of normalization method. The default choice, 'TTR', normalizes datasets to have the same expected count (while not being sensative to outliers). Read documentation for a description other methods. ") mainSizer1.Add(normSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) resamplingSizer.Add( mainSizer1, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # LOESS Check (self.wxobj.resamplingLoessCheck, loessCheckSizer) = self.defineCheckBox(resamplingPanel, labelText="Correct for Genome Positional Bias", widgetCheck=False, widgetSize=(-1,-1), tooltipText="Check to correct read-counts for possible regional biase using LOESS. Clicking on the button below will plot a preview, which is helpful to visualize the possible bias in the counts.") resamplingSizer.Add( loessCheckSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # LOESS Button self.wxobj.resamplingLoessPrev = wx.Button( resamplingPanel, wx.ID_ANY, u"Preview LOESS fit", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0 ) resamplingSizer.Add( self.wxobj.resamplingLoessPrev, 0, wx.ALL|wx.CENTER, 5 ) # Adaptive Check (self.wxobj.resamplingAdaptiveCheckBox, adaptiveSizer) = self.defineCheckBox(resamplingPanel, labelText="Adaptive Resampling (Faster)", widgetCheck=False, widgetSize=(-1,-1), tooltipText="Dynamically stops permutations early if it is unlikely the ORF will be significant given the results so far. Improves performance, though p-value calculations for genes that are not differentially essential will be less accurate.") resamplingSizer.Add( adaptiveSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Histogram Check (self.wxobj.resamplingHistogramCheckBox, histSizer) = self.defineCheckBox(resamplingPanel, labelText="Generate Resampling Histograms", widgetCheck=False, widgetSize=(-1,-1), tooltipText="Creates .png images with the resampling histogram for each of the ORFs. Histogram images are created in a folder with the same name as the output file.") resamplingSizer.Add(histSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Zeros Check (self.wxobj.resamplingZeroCheckBox, zeroSizer) = self.defineCheckBox(resamplingPanel, labelText="Include sites with all zeros", widgetCheck=True, widgetSize=(-1,-1), tooltipText="Includes sites that are empty (zero) accross all datasets. Unchecking this may be useful for tn5 datasets, where all nucleotides are possible insertion sites and will have a large number of empty sites (significantly slowing down computation and affecting estimates).") resamplingSizer.Add(zeroSizer, 0, wx.EXPAND, 5 ) resamplingButton = wx.Button( resamplingPanel, wx.ID_ANY, u"Run resampling", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0 ) resamplingSizer.Add( resamplingButton, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 ) resamplingPanel.SetSizer( resamplingSizer ) resamplingPanel.Layout() resamplingSizer.Fit( resamplingPanel ) #Connect events resamplingButton.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.wxobj.RunMethod ) self.wxobj.resamplingLoessPrev.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.wxobj.LoessPrevFunc) self.panel = resamplingPanel
[docs] def GlobalEnable(self): self.wxobj.ctrlLibText.Enable() self.wxobj.expLibText.Enable()
[docs] def GlobalDisable(self): self.wxobj.ctrlLibText.Disable() self.wxobj.expLibText.Disable()
########## CLASS #######################
[docs]class ResamplingMethod(base.DualConditionMethod): """ resampling """ def __init__(self, ctrldata, expdata, annotation_path, output_file, normalization="TTR", samples=10000, adaptive=False, doHistogram=False, includeZeros=False, pseudocount=0.0, replicates="Sum", LOESS=False, ignoreCodon=True, NTerminus=0.0, CTerminus=0.0, ctrl_lib_str="", exp_lib_str="", # should add Z wxobj=None): base.DualConditionMethod.__init__(self, short_name, long_name, short_desc, long_desc, ctrldata, expdata, annotation_path, output_file, normalization=normalization, replicates=replicates, LOESS=LOESS, NTerminus=NTerminus, CTerminus=CTerminus, wxobj=wxobj) self.samples = samples self.adaptive = adaptive self.doHistogram = doHistogram self.includeZeros = includeZeros self.pseudocount = pseudocount self.ctrl_lib_str = ctrl_lib_str self.exp_lib_str = exp_lib_str
[docs] @classmethod def fromGUI(self, wxobj): """ """ #Get Annotation file annotationPath = wxobj.annotation if not transit_tools.validate_annotation(annotationPath): return None #Get selected files ctrldata = wxobj.ctrlSelected() expdata = wxobj.expSelected() if not transit_tools.validate_both_datasets(ctrldata, expdata): return None #Validate transposon types if not transit_tools.validate_transposons_used(ctrldata+expdata, transposons): return None #Read the parameters from the wxPython widgets ignoreCodon = True samples = int(wxobj.resamplingSampleText.GetValue()) normalization = wxobj.resamplingNormChoice.GetString(wxobj.resamplingNormChoice.GetCurrentSelection()) replicates="Sum" adaptive = wxobj.resamplingAdaptiveCheckBox.GetValue() doHistogram = wxobj.resamplingHistogramCheckBox.GetValue() includeZeros = wxobj.resamplingZeroCheckBox.GetValue() pseudocount = float(wxobj.resamplingPseudocountText.GetValue()) LOESS = wxobj.resamplingLoessCheck.GetValue() # Global Parameters NTerminus = float(wxobj.globalNTerminusText.GetValue()) CTerminus = float(wxobj.globalCTerminusText.GetValue()) ctrl_lib_str = wxobj.ctrlLibText.GetValue() exp_lib_str = wxobj.expLibText.GetValue() #Get output path defaultFileName = "resampling_output_s%d_pc%1.2f" % (samples, pseudocount) if adaptive: defaultFileName+= "_adaptive" if includeZeros: defaultFileName+= "_iz" defaultFileName+=".dat" defaultDir = os.getcwd() output_path = wxobj.SaveFile(defaultDir, defaultFileName) if not output_path: return None output_file = open(output_path, "w") return self(ctrldata, expdata, annotationPath, output_file, normalization, samples, adaptive, doHistogram, includeZeros, pseudocount, replicates, LOESS, ignoreCodon, NTerminus, CTerminus, ctrl_lib_str, exp_lib_str, wxobj)
[docs] @classmethod def fromargs(self, rawargs): (args, kwargs) = transit_tools.cleanargs(rawargs) ctrldata = args[0].split(",") expdata = args[1].split(",") annotationPath = args[2] output_path = args[3] output_file = open(output_path, "w") normalization = kwargs.get("n", "TTR") samples = int(kwargs.get("s", 10000)) adaptive = kwargs.get("a", False) doHistogram = kwargs.get("h", False) replicates = kwargs.get("r", "Sum") excludeZeros = kwargs.get("ez", False) includeZeros = not excludeZeros pseudocount = float(kwargs.get("pc", 0.00)) self.Z = False if "Z" in kwargs: self.Z = True LOESS = kwargs.get("l", False) ignoreCodon = True NTerminus = float(kwargs.get("iN", 0.00)) CTerminus = float(kwargs.get("iC", 0.00)) ctrl_lib_str = kwargs.get("-ctrl_lib", "") exp_lib_str = kwargs.get("-exp_lib", "") return self(ctrldata, expdata, annotationPath, output_file, normalization, samples, adaptive, doHistogram, includeZeros, pseudocount, replicates, LOESS, ignoreCodon, NTerminus, CTerminus, ctrl_lib_str, exp_lib_str) # should add Z
[docs] def Run(self): #if not self.wxobj: # # Force matplotlib to use good backend for png. # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #elif "matplotlib.pyplot" not in sys.modules: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: print "Error: cannot do histograms" self.doHistogram = False self.transit_message("Starting resampling Method") start_time = time.time() if self.doHistogram: histPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, transit_tools.fetch_name("_histograms") if not os.path.isdir(histPath): os.makedirs(histPath) else: histPath = "" Kctrl = len(self.ctrldata) Kexp = len(self.expdata) #Get orf data self.transit_message("Getting Data") (data, position) = transit_tools.get_validated_data(self.ctrldata+self.expdata, wxobj=self.wxobj) (K,N) = data.shape if self.normalization != "nonorm": self.transit_message("Normalizing using: %s" % self.normalization) (data, factors) = norm_tools.normalize_data(data, self.normalization, self.ctrldata+self.expdata, self.annotation_path) if self.LOESS: self.transit_message("Performing LOESS Correction") for j in range(K): data[j] = stat_tools.loess_correction(position, data[j]) G = tnseq_tools.Genes(self.ctrldata + self.expdata, self.annotation_path, ignoreCodon=self.ignoreCodon, nterm=self.NTerminus, cterm=self.CTerminus, data=data, position=position) doLibraryResampling = False # If library string not empty if self.ctrl_lib_str or self.exp_lib_str: letters_ctrl = set(self.ctrl_lib_str) letters_exp = set(self.exp_lib_str) # Check if using exactly 1 letters; i.e. no different libraries if len(letters_ctrl) == 1 and letters_exp==1: pass # If using more than one letter, then check no differences in set else: lib_diff = letters_ctrl ^ letters_exp # Check that their differences if not lib_diff: doLibraryResampling = True else: transit_tools.transit_error("Error: Library Strings (Ctrl = %s, Exp = %s) do not use the same letters. Make sure every letter / library is represented in both Control and Experimental Conditions. Proceeding with resampling assuming all datasets belong to the same library." % (self.ctrl_lib_str, self.exp_lib_str)) self.ctrl_lib_str = "" self.exp_lib_str = "" #Resampling data = [] N = len(G) count = 0 self.progress_range(N) for gene in G: count+=1 if gene.k == 0 or gene.n == 0: (test_obs, mean1, mean2, log2FC, pval_ltail, pval_utail, pval_2tail, testlist, data1, data2) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, [], [0], [0]) else: if not self.includeZeros: ii = numpy.sum(gene.reads,0) > 0 else: ii = numpy.ones(gene.n) == 1 data1 = gene.reads[:Kctrl,ii].flatten()+self.pseudocount data2 = gene.reads[Kctrl:,ii].flatten()+self.pseudocount if doLibraryResampling: (test_obs, mean1, mean2, log2FC, pval_ltail, pval_utail, pval_2tail, testlist) = stat_tools.resampling(data1, data2, S=self.samples, testFunc=stat_tools.F_mean_diff_dict, permFunc=stat_tools.F_shuffle_dict_libraries, adaptive=self.adaptive, lib_str1=self.ctrl_lib_str, lib_str2=self.exp_lib_str) else: (test_obs, mean1, mean2, log2FC, pval_ltail, pval_utail, pval_2tail, testlist) = stat_tools.resampling(data1, data2, S=self.samples, testFunc=stat_tools.F_mean_diff_flat, permFunc=stat_tools.F_shuffle_flat, adaptive=self.adaptive, lib_str1=self.ctrl_lib_str, lib_str2=self.exp_lib_str) if self.doHistogram: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if testlist: n, bins, patches = plt.hist(testlist, density=1, facecolor='c', alpha=0.75, bins=100) else: n, bins, patches = plt.hist([0,0], density=1, facecolor='c', alpha=0.75, bins=100) plt.xlabel('Delta Mean') plt.ylabel('Probability') plt.title('%s - Histogram of Delta Mean' % gene.orf) plt.axvline(test_obs, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=3) plt.grid(True) genePath = os.path.join(histPath, gene.orf +".png") if not os.path.exists(histPath): os.makedirs(histPath) plt.savefig(genePath) plt.clf() sum1 = numpy.sum(data1) sum2 = numpy.sum(data2) data.append([gene.orf,, gene.desc, gene.n, mean1, mean2, sum1, sum2, test_obs, log2FC, pval_2tail]) # Update progress text = "Running Resampling Method... %5.1f%%" % (100.0*count/N) self.progress_update(text, count) # self.transit_message("") # Printing empty line to flush stdout self.transit_message("Performing Benjamini-Hochberg Correction") data.sort() qval = stat_tools.BH_fdr_correction([row[-1] for row in data]) self.output.write("#Resampling\n") if self.wxobj: members = sorted([attr for attr in dir(self) if not callable(getattr(self,attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")]) memberstr = "" for m in members: memberstr += "%s = %s, " % (m, getattr(self, m)) self.output.write("#GUI with: norm=%s, samples=%s, pseudocounts=%1.2f, adaptive=%s, histogram=%s, includeZeros=%s, output=%s\n" % (self.normalization, self.samples, self.pseudocount, self.adaptive, self.doHistogram, self.includeZeros,'utf-8'))) else: self.output.write("#Console: python %s\n" % " ".join(sys.argv)) self.output.write("#Control Data: %s\n" % (",".join(self.ctrldata).encode('utf-8'))) self.output.write("#Experimental Data: %s\n" % (",".join(self.expdata).encode('utf-8'))) self.output.write("#Annotation path: %s\n" % (self.annotation_path.encode('utf-8'))) self.output.write("#Time: %s\n" % (time.time() - start_time)) #Z = True # include Z-score column in resampling output? global columns # consider redefining columns above (for GUI) if self.Z==True: columns = ["Orf","Name","Desc","Sites","Mean Ctrl","Mean Exp","log2FC", "Sum Ctrl", "Sum Exp", "Delta Mean","p-value","Z-score","Adj. p-value"] self.output.write("#%s\n" % "\t".join(columns)) for i,row in enumerate(data): (orf, name, desc, n, mean1, mean2, sum1, sum2, test_obs, log2FC, pval_2tail) = row if self.Z==True: p = pval_2tail/2 # convert from 2-sided back to 1-sided if p==0: p = 1e-5 # or 1 level deeper the num of iterations of resampling, which is 1e-4=1/10000, by default if p==1: p = 1-1e-5 z = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(p) if log2FC>0: z *= -1 self.output.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%1.1f\t%1.1f\t%1.2f\t%1.1f\t%1.2f\t%1.1f\t%1.5f\t%0.2f\t%1.5f\n" % (orf, name, desc, n, mean1, mean2, log2FC, sum1, sum2, test_obs, pval_2tail, z, qval[i])) else: self.output.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%1.1f\t%1.1f\t%1.2f\t%1.1f\t%1.2f\t%1.1f\t%1.5f\t%1.5f\n" % (orf, name, desc, n, mean1, mean2, log2FC, sum1, sum2, test_obs, pval_2tail, qval[i])) self.output.close() self.transit_message("Adding File: %s" % ( self.add_file(filetype="Resampling") self.finish() self.transit_message("Finished resampling Method")
[docs] @classmethod def usage_string(self): return """python %s resampling <comma-separated .wig control files> <comma-separated .wig experimental files> <annotation .prot_table or GFF3> <output file> [Optional Arguments] Optional Arguments: -s <integer> := Number of samples. Default: -s 10000 -n <string> := Normalization method. Default: -n TTR -h := Output histogram of the permutations for each gene. Default: Turned Off. -a := Perform adaptive resampling. Default: Turned Off. -ez := Exclude rows with zero accross conditions. Default: Turned off (i.e. include rows with zeros). -pc := Pseudocounts to be added at each site. -l := Perform LOESS Correction; Helps remove possible genomic position bias. Default: Turned Off. -iN <float> := Ignore TAs occuring at given fraction of the N terminus. Default: -iN 0.0 -iC <float> := Ignore TAs occuring at given fraction of the C terminus. Default: -iC 0.0 --ctrl_lib := String of letters representing library of control files in order e.g. 'AABB'. Default empty. Letters used must also be used in --exp_lib If non-empty, resampling will limit permutations to within-libraries. --exp_lib := String of letters representing library of experimental files in order e.g. 'ABAB'. Default empty. Letters used must also be used in --ctrl_lib If non-empty, resampling will limit permutations to within-libraries. """ % (sys.argv[0])
if __name__ == "__main__": (args, kwargs) = transit_tools.cleanargs(sys.argv) #TODO: Figure out issue with inputs (transit requires initial method name, running as script does not !!!!) G = ResamplingMethod.fromargs(sys.argv[1:]) G.console_message("Printing the member variables:") G.print_members() print "" print "Running:" G.Run()