Source code for pytransit.analysis.tn5gaps

import sys

    import wx
    WX_VERSION = int(wx.version()[0])
    hasWx = True

except Exception as e:
    hasWx = False
    WX_VERSION = 0

if hasWx:
    import wx.xrc
    from wx.lib.buttons import GenBitmapTextButton
    from pubsub import pub
    import wx.adv

import os
import time
import math
import random
import numpy
import scipy.stats
import datetime

import base
import pytransit.transit_tools as transit_tools
import pytransit.tnseq_tools as tnseq_tools
import pytransit.norm_tools as norm_tools
import pytransit.stat_tools as stat_tools

#method_name = "example"

############# GUI ELEMENTS ##################

short_name = "tn5gaps"
long_name = "Tn5 Gaps"
short_desc = "Analysis of essentiality on gaps in entire genome (Tn5)."
long_desc = "A analysis method based on the extreme value (Gumbel) distribution that considers longest runs over the whole genome instead of individual genes."
transposons = ["tn5"]
columns = ["Orf","Name","Desc","k","n","r","ovr","lenovr","pval","padj","call"]

############# Analysis Method ##############

[docs]class Tn5GapsAnalysis(base.TransitAnalysis): def __init__(self): base.TransitAnalysis.__init__(self, short_name, long_name, short_desc, long_desc, transposons, Tn5GapsMethod, Tn5GapsGUI, [Tn5GapsFile])
################## FILE ###################
[docs]class Tn5GapsFile(base.TransitFile): def __init__(self): base.TransitFile.__init__(self, "#Tn5 Gaps", columns)
[docs] def getHeader(self, path): ess=0; unc=0; non=0; short=0 for line in open(path): if line.startswith("#"): continue tmp = line.strip().split("\t") if tmp[-1] == "Essential": ess+=1 if tmp[-1] == "Non-essential": non+=1 text = """Results: Essentials: %s Non-Essential: %s """ % (ess, non) return text
################## GUI ###################
[docs]class Tn5GapsGUI(base.AnalysisGUI):
[docs] def definePanel(self, wxobj): self.wxobj = wxobj tn5GapsPanel = wx.Panel( self.wxobj.optionsWindow, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ) tn5GapsSection = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) tn5GapsLabel = wx.StaticText( tn5GapsPanel, wx.ID_ANY, u"Tn5 Gaps Options", wx.DefaultPosition, (150,-1), 0 ) tn5GapsLabel.SetFont( wx.Font( 10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD) ) tn5GapsSection.Add( tn5GapsLabel, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 ) mainSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) # Min Read tn5GapsReadChoiceChoices = [ u"1", u"2", u"3", u"4", u"5" ] (tn5GapsReadLabel, self.wxobj.tn5GapsReadChoice, readSizer) = self.defineChoiceBox(tn5GapsPanel, u"Minimum Read:", tn5GapsReadChoiceChoices, "This is the minimum number of reads to consider a 'true' insertion. Value of 1 will consider all insertions. Larger values allow the method to ignore spurious insertions which might interrupt a run of non-insertions. Noisy datasets or those with many replicates can beneffit from increasing this.") mainSizer1.Add(readSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) # Replicates tn5GapsRepChoiceChoices = [ u"Sum", u"Mean" ] (tn5GapsRepLabel, self.wxobj.tn5GapsRepChoice, repSizer) = self.defineChoiceBox(tn5GapsPanel, u"Replicates:", tn5GapsRepChoiceChoices, "Determines how to handle replicates, and their read-counts. When using many replicates, summing read-counts may make spurious counts appear to be significantly large and interrupt a run of non-insertions.") mainSizer1.Add(repSizer, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wx.EXPAND, 5 ) tn5GapsSection.Add( mainSizer1, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5 ) tn5GapsButton = wx.Button( tn5GapsPanel, wx.ID_ANY, u"Run Tn5Gaps", wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0 ) tn5GapsSection.Add( tn5GapsButton, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5 ) tn5GapsPanel.SetSizer( tn5GapsSection ) tn5GapsPanel.Layout() tn5GapsSection.Fit( tn5GapsPanel ) #Connect events tn5GapsButton.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, wxobj.RunMethod ) self.panel = tn5GapsPanel
########## CLASS #######################
[docs]class Tn5GapsMethod(base.SingleConditionMethod): """ Example """ def __init__(self, ctrldata, annotation_path, output_file, replicates="Sum", normalization=None, LOESS=False, ignoreCodon=True, minread=1, NTerminus=0.0, CTerminus=0.0, wxobj=None): base.SingleConditionMethod.__init__(self, short_name, long_name, short_desc, long_desc, ctrldata, annotation_path, output_file, replicates=replicates, normalization=normalization, LOESS=LOESS, NTerminus=NTerminus, CTerminus=CTerminus, wxobj=wxobj) self.minread = minread
[docs] @classmethod def fromGUI(self, wxobj): """ """ #Get Annotation file annotationPath = wxobj.annotation if not transit_tools.validate_annotation(annotationPath): return None #Get selected files ctrldata = wxobj.ctrlSelected() if not transit_tools.validate_control_datasets(ctrldata): return None #Validate transposon types types = tnseq_tools.get_file_types(ctrldata) if 'himar1' in types: answer = transit_tools.ShowAskWarning("Warning: One of the selected wig files looks like a Himar1 dataset. This method is designed to work on Tn5 wig files. Proceeding will fill in missing data with zeroes. Click OK to continue.") if answer == wx.ID_CANCEL: return None #Read the parameters from the wxPython widgets ignoreCodon = True minread = int(wxobj.tn5GapsReadChoice.GetString(wxobj.tn5GapsReadChoice.GetCurrentSelection())) NTerminus = float(wxobj.globalNTerminusText.GetValue()) CTerminus = float(wxobj.globalCTerminusText.GetValue()) replicates= wxobj.tn5GapsRepChoice.GetString(wxobj.tn5GapsRepChoice.GetCurrentSelection()) normalization = None LOESS = False #Get output path name = transit_tools.basename(ctrldata[0]) defaultFileName = "tn5_gaps_output_m%d_r%s.dat" % (minread, replicates) defaultDir = os.getcwd() output_path = wxobj.SaveFile(defaultDir, defaultFileName) if not output_path: return None output_file = open(output_path, "w") return self(ctrldata, annotationPath, output_file, replicates, normalization, LOESS, ignoreCodon, minread, NTerminus, CTerminus, wxobj)
[docs] @classmethod def fromargs(self, rawargs): (args, kwargs) = transit_tools.cleanargs(rawargs) ctrldata = args[0].split(",") annotationPath = args[1] outpath = args[2] output_file = open(outpath, "w") replicates = kwargs.get("r", "Sum") minread = int(kwargs.get("m", 1)) normalization = None LOESS = False ignoreCodon = True NTerminus = 0.0 CTerminus = 0.0 return self(ctrldata, annotationPath, output_file, replicates, normalization, LOESS, ignoreCodon, minread, NTerminus, CTerminus)
[docs] def Run(self): self.transit_message("Starting Tn5 gaps method") start_time = time.time() self.transit_message("Getting data (May take a while)") # Combine all wigs (data,position) = transit_tools.get_validated_data(self.ctrldata, wxobj=self.wxobj) combined = tnseq_tools.combine_replicates(data, method=self.replicates) combined[combined < self.minread] = 0 counts = combined counts[counts > 0] = 1 num_sites = counts.size genes_obj = tnseq_tools.Genes(self.ctrldata, self.annotation_path, ignoreCodon=self.ignoreCodon, nterm=self.NTerminus, cterm=self.CTerminus, data=data, position=position) pins = numpy.mean(counts) pnon = 1.0 - pins # Calculate stats of runs exprunmax = tnseq_tools.ExpectedRuns(num_sites, pnon) varrun = tnseq_tools.VarR(num_sites, pnon) stddevrun = math.sqrt(varrun) exp_cutoff = exprunmax + 2*stddevrun # Get the runs self.transit_message("Getting non-insertion runs in genome") run_arr = tnseq_tools.runs_w_info(counts) pos_hash = transit_tools.get_pos_hash(self.annotation_path) # Finally, calculate the results self.transit_message("Running Tn5 gaps method") results_per_gene = {} for gene in genes_obj.genes: results_per_gene[gene.orf] = [gene.orf,, gene.desc, gene.k, gene.n, gene.r, 0, 0, 1] N = len(run_arr) count = 0 accum = 0 self.progress_range(N) for run in run_arr: accum += run['length'] count += 1 genes = tnseq_tools.get_genes_in_range(pos_hash, run['start'], run['end']) for gene_orf in genes: gene = genes_obj[gene_orf] inter_sz = self.intersect_size([run['start'], run['end']], [gene.start, gene.end]) + 1 percent_overlap = self.calc_overlap([run['start'], run['end']], [gene.start, gene.end]) run_len = run['length'] B = 1.0/math.log(1.0/pnon) u = math.log(num_sites*pins, 1.0/pnon) pval = 1.0 - tnseq_tools.GumbelCDF(run['length'], u, B) curr_val = results_per_gene[gene.orf] curr_inter_sz = curr_val[6] curr_len = curr_val[7] if inter_sz > curr_inter_sz: results_per_gene[gene.orf] = [gene.orf,, gene.desc, gene.k, gene.n, gene.r, inter_sz, run_len, pval] # Update Progress text = "Running Tn5Gaps method... %1.1f%%" % (100.0*count/N) self.progress_update(text, count) data = list(results_per_gene.values()) exp_run_len = float(accum)/N min_sig_len = float('inf') sig_genes_count = 0 pval = [row[-1] for row in data] padj = stat_tools.BH_fdr_correction(pval) for i in range(len(data)): if padj[i] < 0.05: sig_genes_count += 1 min_sig_len = min(min_sig_len, data[i][-2]) data[i].append(padj[i]); data[i].append('Essential' if padj[i] < 0.05 else 'Non-essential');#(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2], data[i][3], data[i][4], data[i][5], data[i][6], data[i][7], data[i][8], padj[i], 'Essential' if padj[i] < 0.05 else 'Non-essential') data.sort(key=lambda l: l[0]) # Output results self.output.write("#Tn5 Gaps\n") if self.wxobj: members = sorted([attr for attr in dir(self) if not callable(getattr(self,attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")]) memberstr = "" for m in members: memberstr += "%s = %s, " % (m, getattr(self, m)) self.output.write("#GUI with: ctrldata=%s, annotation=%s, output=%s\n" % (",".join(self.ctrldata).encode('utf-8'), self.annotation_path.encode('utf-8'),'utf-8'))) else: self.output.write("#Console: python %s\n" % " ".join(sys.argv)) self.output.write("#Data: %s\n" % (",".join(self.ctrldata).encode('utf-8'))) self.output.write("#Annotation path: %s\n" % self.annotation_path.encode('utf-8')) self.output.write("#Time: %s\n" % (time.time() - start_time)) self.output.write("#Essential gene count: %d\n" % (sig_genes_count)) self.output.write("#Minimum reads: %d\n" % (self.minread)) self.output.write("#Replicate combination method: %s\n" % (self.replicates)) self.output.write("#Minimum significant run length: %d\n" % (min_sig_len)) self.output.write("#Expected run length: %1.5f\n" % (exp_run_len)) self.output.write("#Expected max run length: %s\n" % (exprunmax)) self.output.write("#%s\n" % "\t".join(columns)) #self.output.write("#Orf\tName\tDesc\tk\tn\tr\tovr\tlenovr\tpval\tpadj\tcall\n") for res in data: self.output.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%1.5f\t%1.5f\t%s\n" % (res[0], res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4], res[5], res[6], res[7], res[8], res[9], res[10])) self.output.close() self.transit_message("") # Printing empty line to flush stdout self.transit_message("Adding File: %s" % ( self.add_file(filetype="Tn5 Gaps") self.finish() self.transit_message("Finished Tn5Gaps Method")
[docs] @classmethod def usage_string(self): return """python %s resampling <comma-separated .wig control files> <comma-separated .wig experimental files> <annotation .prot_table or GFF3> <output file> [Optional Arguments] Optional Arguments: -m <integer> := Smallest read-count to consider. Default: -m 1 -r <string> := How to handle replicates. Sum or Mean. Default: -r Sum """ % (sys.argv[0])
[docs] def intersect_size(self, intv1, intv2): first = intv1 if intv1[0] < intv2[0] else intv2 second = intv1 if first == intv2 else intv2 if first[1] < second[0]: return 0 right_ovr = min(first[1], second[1]) left_ovr = max(first[0], second[0]) return right_ovr - left_ovr
[docs] def calc_overlap(self, run_interv, gene_interv): first = run_interv if run_interv[0] < gene_interv[0] else gene_interv second = run_interv if first == gene_interv else gene_interv if second[0] > first[0] and second[1] < first[1]: return 1.0 intersect = self.intersect_size(run_interv, gene_interv) return float(intersect)/(gene_interv[1] - gene_interv[0])
if __name__ == "__main__": (args, kwargs) = transit_tools.cleanargs(sys.argv[1:]) G = Tn5GapsMethod.fromargs(sys.argv[1:]) G.console_message("Printing the member variables:") G.print_members() print "" print "Running:" G.Run()